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Starion Tactics Full Crack [key Serial Number]


About This Game Perfect for the novice, yet sophisticated enough for the veteran, Starion Tactics is a turn-based digital board game that delivers a deeply tactical and highly visual experience with fun and quick gameplay. After assuming command of one of four human or alien factions vying for galactic dominance, immediately define your game’s scope. Play for minutes to hours across tens to hundreds of planets in single-player skirmish or multiplayer modes—it’s entirely up to you.Leave the tedious, everyday tasks that take away from crafting and executing tactical strategies to your faction as you explore the galaxy. Explore the galaxy map and discover different planet types: some rich in resources, some barren and unfit for terraforming. Expand your empire by choosing which planets to invade, colonize, destroy or simply ignore. Exploit and terraform planets, acquiring resources to grow and strengthen your fleet, empowering you to exterminate enemy factions and rule the galaxy.Fully customize each game by creating your own settings so that no two games are the same.Assume the role of a faction leader and command one of four factionsFocus your efforts on crafting and executing your tactical strategy while your faction takes care of tedious, everyday tasksEngage single-player skirmishes or up to 8 player multiplayer wars across 10 to 100 planets—you define your game’s scopeUse resources acquired from planets to build and strengthen your fleetConstruct ships that range from small, agile scouts to colossal battle cruisersFrom improved mining to solar eruptions to labour strikes and beyond, implement cards and/or artifacts to make games more interesting with the element of chance 6d5b4406ea Title: Starion TacticsGenre: Action, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Corncrow GamesRelease Date: 5 Sep, 2014 Starion Tactics Full Crack [key Serial Number] starion tactics badge. starion tactics. starion tactics steam Terrible game, the pictures on the store page might look cool but don't be fooled, this game is worth AT MOST $1. I feel like I've been cheated out of $20 by this game, as it's literally just a grid of "planets" you use those planets to stockpile resources and then build ships. It's a waste of time and money.. This game is one huge, unfinished bug.- at certain zooms levels left-clicks don't work, keep zooming in and out until they do- sometimes left-clicking move confirmation deselects unit- sometimes left-click does random things - as if you clicked somewhere else- I am getting achievements for things I haven't done- my ally AI uses negative cards against me- no tutorial, manual doesn't explain anything beyond what you can figure out from the interface- enemy AI (on novice level) gets the artifact card every 1-2 turns, I never got even one- battles are completely unclear, dice are thrown with symbols of unknown meaning, sometimes ships shoot sometimes not, their shields\/hull sometimes decreases sometimes not, one ship at some point explodes- if ally has ships at your planet, you cannot move your ships from there... seems the AI cannot move their ships either.... Not quite ready. I've noticed a few things with this game off the bat. Every turn it gives you a summary of the action in the last turn and the statistics were not telling me about the ships I lost. Combat is simplified kind of like the Civilization games, this combat is a little confusing; much of the time it will show my ship destroy the other one and find out it had destroyed my ship as well.I do like the game and with a little work these things will probably get smoothed out in a few patches until them I can't recommend this to anyone.Lastly this is not a 4x game, there is no research and there is no diplomacy I could find.. I didn't realise it was a board game and that is my fault. but even for a board game its pretty boring; finishing off an enemy is like an endless game of whack-a-mole, animations are stale and slightly confusing, and everything is just as super balanced as chess. It was a good try but i just can't seem to find an appeal for it.. Regret buying this game, played like 5 minutes and i want to quit.Nothing tactical about it, buy a few units and start taking over planets with no tactical advantage. No building or tech structures, no real organisation. Just a click and watch game.. The demanding price for this game is unreasonable by the extreme end of the sprectrum. Those with even the slightest interest, feel free to disregard as this game really brings nothing new to the genre. If this game is much better suited as a flash game on Armor Games \/ Newgrounds. The RNG in this game is shoddy and no customization."..deeply tactical and highly visual experience.."This description cannot be any further from the truth.. Way to simplistic and limited for my taste. I think I will stick with Planetary Anihalation. This is a bit like an up to date tic tac toe \/ board game style concept. Not for me.I like a deeper, broader form of strategy.. Ok this should be Early Access, but isn't.The game is bad, know that going in. This is no where near a 10$ title, more like a 1.99 game that you still wait to go on sale. As such, it feels very much like a mobile port.What I liked... Graphically I thought the art team did their job. While nothing amazing or new, it was about average for a mobile level game. Thats about all I liked, but this is what happens when a few artists try to make a game in a genre they know little about.The bad... to avoid a full wall of text ill just make a list.--Achievements dont unlock correctly - some early, some never--I opted to play without sound an hour in as it didn't add anything (changing the sound output also crashed the game)--All ships are available from the start, no tech tree at all--One resource that means nothing to you--Easy to spot bugs, such as capture 10 planets and game tells you that you captured 20--Terraform units, if used too many in a turn they either despawn without doing the job or the game fails to update planet output text- as I've seen mismatched output depending on where you look--The only choice I ever made was to stop bothering to terraform planets as there was no point and its tedious--THE USER EXPERIENCE IS THE WORST I'VE EVER SEEN!! In the credits there were testers... did they play this? How long? Cause holy\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 ~~I hope you like to click - if you are a steamroller like me... good luck. You have to move every unit one at a time, one planet jump at a time, each taking 3 clicks min. So my late game turns on a full size map required 500+ clicks until I just stopped moving majority of my units and won with the rest. I never lost a battle but settings might help up the challenge.--And another minor thing, is it a "turn" or a "round"... pick your terms and stick with them. -- The game summary is mostly lies - unless I missed everything by not playing the other "factions" so I'll review that real quick:"Leave the tedious, everyday tasks that take away from crafting and executing tactical strategies to your faction as you explore the galaxy. "--Crafting what? The best ship in the game, that you start with and have no reason to build anything else? That crafting?(This may have been a setting I randomly chose starting my first and only game, if so then my fault)Explore the galaxy map and discover different planet types: some rich in resources, some barren and unfit for terraforming. Expand your empire by choosing which planets to invade, colonize, destroy or simply ignore. Exploit and terraform planets, acquiring resources to grow and strengthen your fleet, empowering you to exterminate enemy factions and rule the galaxy. --What? Every planet I went to was automatically captured, and the only choice left was to bother terraforming it... or not based on 0-1-2 output levels. So you could capture a 0 and make it a 2, thats literally it."Fully customize each game by creating your own settings so that no two games are the same."--unless you play more than 2 games (or maybe I broke my settings, as I've mentioned)"Use resources acquired from planets to build and strengthen your fleet"-- A single resource, that is the only currency and comes from every planet equally, there is no benefit or strategy to the planets you take - assuming you have time to terraform. (small map multiplayer would surely change that)"Construct ships that range from small, agile scouts to colossal battle cruisers"-- all of which are available from the start, so you wont... and scout what? With fog on enemy count was viewable, at least for neutrals there wasn't enough AI enemy when I got there 2 hours later to pay attention."From improved mining to solar eruptions to labour strikes and beyond, implement cards and\/or artifacts to make games more interesting with the element of chance"-- never once did I see a card worth the risk of using, I converted all to resources and I didn't need the extra resourcesSome of my opinions may be due to the fact that I only played 1 full game with one faction. Maybe I picked the wrong one, maybe I ruined the game with bad setting (not that I felt there were many options). Still the bugs and click-fest UI were bad enough for me to not load another map. So I do not recommend this game.TLDR; Its bad, just dont. It tries to be 4X but dummed down to 1X with some silly card game thrown in. I would happily perfect game Sins of a Solar Empire again, and I suggest you do that instead.


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